The Governing Body cannot charge parents and pupils for any activity unless it has drawn up a charging policy. The Governing Body are responsible to ensure that the charging and remissions policy is published. To view the Charging and Remissions Policy, click here
All activities that are a necessary part of the National Curriculum plus religious education will be provided free of charge. This includes any materials, equipment and transport to take pupils between the school and the activity. It excludes charges made for teaching individual pupils or groups of up to four pupils to play a musical instrument.
Voluntary contributions may be sought for activities during the school day which entail additional costs, although these will be kept to a minimum and wherever possible be budgeted for from the main school budget.
In these circumstances no pupil will be prevented from participating because his/her parents/carers cannot or will not make a contribution. Children of parents who do not make a contribution will not be treated any differently. If a particular activity cannot take place without some help from parents, this will be explained at the planning stage. An activity may be cancelled if not enough voluntary contributions are collected.
We will charge for optional, extra activities provided outside of the school day, for example sports clubs or drama. Such activities are not part of the National Curriculum or religious education, nor are they part of an examination syllabus. From time-to-time, depending on funding, we will provide free oportunities to engage in new activity.
Participation on any optional extra will be on the basis of parental choice and a willingness to meet the charges. Although where it is felt by the school that a child would benefit from taking part in an after school activity and a parent is unable to pay, fees may be covered by the school.
Charges will be made on residential visits which are part of the national curriculum for board and lodging, except for pupils who are currently in receipt of free school meals.
Voluntary contributions will be asked to cover the cost of the coach travel and other activities during the trip.
Where charges are made for any activity, whether during or outside of the school day, they will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the total number of pupils participating. There will be no element of subsidy to support the costs for any pupils who are unable or unwilling to pay. Support for cases of hardship will come through the school budget.
The principles of best value will be applied when planning activities that incur costs to the school and/or charges to parents.